Is Your Success Threatening Him?

Nelson Jr
3 min readJul 3, 2021
Photo by Keren Levand on Unsplash

In This 21st Century, women are not bound to the kitchen. These days, sisters are busy getting degrees, taking care of kids, and earning enough to make most men realize that they are really doing it for themselves, they don’t need men to be their providers anymore like the olden days.

Let’s take for example a female brand manager at a large company who drives her own luxury car, has a beautiful apartment, and earns more than her man. It’s hard for her to accept that she’s worked so hard to become this successful in her career, only to find that this will threaten her romantic life. Men feel intimidated by the inroads women have made in society, by their independence and willingness to go it alone.

He’s got insecurities

Photo by Nik Shuliahin on Unsplash

Men have been conditioned since the dawn of time that they are the providers. The Bible depicts them that way, so it can be hard for a brother to come to terms with earning less than his woman.

Nonetheless, an insecure man can be a problem to have around because he can drag you down as a woman, very fast. Self-doubting men often discourage their women and can instill a lack of ambition. Men usually find security knowing that women need them, not the other way around. This gives them a sense of control in a relationship. When that element is taken away from them, they can feel vulnerable. This may be why some men date women who haven’t achieved much in life as the power remains with them.

Most men who are under-achievers struggle with women who are doing better than them, they want to have control in their relationships and often feel like women who are successful will not respect them or somehow undermine them, but not all men are like that, there are scrubs.

Dating A Scrub

This is a man who can’t be bothered to achieve. He has no goals, apart from wanting to sponge off a woman’s cash. He is not intimidated by her success because he has nothing going on in his life. He doesn’t even put food on the table, he is all about swagger. He earns little or nothing and he is too lazy to help around at home, he is not relationship material.

If he is not in his mother’s house busy with PlayStation he is sitting on your couch when you return from a long day at work. He is also comfortable being fed and living in your house that when you ask him for help with paying bills, he reminds you that you are the one earning better or you are the one who is educated, who got a break in life.

In such situations it is better to be in a relationship with someone who you met before you became who you are today, maybe the guy you met in varsity or high school if possible, at least there you know that love exists despite who earns more than the other. Take Jay Z and Beyonce as examples, she has money more than her man according to reports but they are in a happy relationship.



Nelson Jr

YouTuber, Video Editor, BCom Business graduate(2020), Writer (entry level, lol)